Frequently Asked Questions About DPF Recycling Are Displayed Below

1. How much is a used DPF System worth?
Many companies and individuals ask if DPF Recycling profitable. It can be, depending on the type of DPF being recycled. How much a scrap DPF system is worth depends on one primary factor – How much platinum and palladium we have been able to recover from other identical units. Each DPF or DOC is manufactured with a certain amount of precious metals within the wash coat of the ceramic substrate that is contained within the metal canister. We have spent more than a decade testing DPF systems for recyclable value and have found that prices vary greatly between part numbers. Even if DPF or DOC units are from the same make, parts can vary in value by hundreds of dollars.
2. Can I get more for my used DPF system by selling it as scrap or a used part?
This is a complex question about DPF Recycling. Although in most cases a used DPF system will be worth more as a used part than for scrap, the EPA has certain restrictions on selling used systems. In most cases, unless a catalytic converter or DPF filter has been tested and certified by an EPA approved company, it is illegal to sell except for the purpose of salvage.
3. Who pays the shipping if I decide to recycle my DPF or DOC with Scrap Inc?
One of the benefits of choosing our company for your DPF Recycling needs is that we pay 100% of your shipping cost. If you are shipping us a single unit or a few units at a time, free UPS labels are provided and can be printed out from inside your account on our website. If you have a larger quantities, simply contact us and we can have a truck pickup at your location within 24 hours. We also offer complimentary container service for companies who have ongoing DPF Recycling needs..
4. Do we still purchase catalytic converters or only DPF and DOC systems?
Yes. We purchase catalytic converters, diesel particulate filters, and also diesel oxidation catalyst. When our company started in early 2007, our primary goal was purchasing regular car and truck gas catalytic converters. Our original website has since been replaced with our current website . Although the vast majority of our business is DPF system recycling, we do purchase catalytic converters from companies and individuals throughout the United States.
5. How is the value of each scrap DPF or DOC determined?
6. Do we offer DPF Recycling Services to companies in California?
Absolutely! We have been purchasing catalytic converters and DPF systems from California since early 2007. Although slightly controversial, there are currently no restrictions for shipping DPF systems or catalytic converters to our facility from the state of California.
7. Do we sell replacement DPF systems?
8. What happens to a DPF or DOC when it is recycled by our company?
9. Do we purchase aftermarket DPF filters?
Yes. There are several brands of aftermarket or replacement DPF systems that have recyclable value to our company, especially from heavy duty diesel applications. These include ( but are not limited to) Roadwarrior, DCL & Donaldson.
10. How long have we been in business?
We have been offering DPF Recycling and Catalytic Converter Recycling Services since 2007. After over a decade, we have satisfied customers in all 50 States and also several provinces of Canada.
11. What is our service area?
12. Who buys used DPF systems?
We have been purchasing and recycling DPF System since early 2007, however we are not the only company who will purchase your scrap DPF system from you. Many local salvage yards will also purchase used DPF systems for the scrap steel value. The problem is that the majority of these local companies will not have any idea how much each unit is actually worth. In this case, usually a price per pound or a lower flat rate price per unit is established. When you recycle your DPF systems with our company, a fair market price is paid for every unit that we purchase.